Aesthetic surgery aims to eliminate the age-related or acquired undesirable appearances and make you feel happy with the new look of your body. Thanks to developments in aesthetic surgery, it is successfully possible to correct the fat rolls and folds (with liposuction), breast volume (with breast enlargement or breast reduction), and visible and disturbing defects (with cosmetic surgery) on the body.
The most important factor that adversely affects the healing process is the cigarette. Smoking may delay the healing of tissues due to impaired oxygenation and prevent the desired aesthetic appearance. To prevent the complication and diminish the risk factors, it is crucial to stop smoking and to follow the instructions of the surgeon during the healing process. The presence of concomitant disease and age are other factors affecting the healing process. If you are young and do not have any concomitant chronic disease such as diabetes mellitus, the recovery will be faster and more successful.
As with any surgical procedure, there is no way to completely prevent scarring. However, with aesthetic surgery, the scars usually occur in areas that cannot be easily noticed in normal anatomical folding of the body (at the fold of the breast, at the sulcus behind the ear, at the fold of the eyelids, at the fold of the arms and legs). Nevertheless, very tiny scars can be seen in some surgical sites (such as liposuction, face surgery), which are hardly noticeable.
Breast implants are CE and/or FDA approved and we choose the most suitable one for you. Quality and certified implants can be more expensive than others, but with a better and more durable body fit, they make a distinct difference from cheap ones.
It is a matter of great curiosity whether or not a wound scar will be formed after breast augmentation procedure and where it will occur. The scar is formed, but in the fold at the bottom of the breast and will remain hidden in place, so it will not be noticed.
As with any cosmetic surgery, if you do not work in a job that requires heavy physical activity, you can usually return to work (if you work sitting at the desk) after 7 to 10 days. However, if you work in a job that requires mild physical activity, 4 weeks later, and if you work hard, 3 months later, you can return to work.
You can travel by plane 1-2 days after your final medical examination, but it is preferable to travel 3-4 days later.
There is no information reported against breastfeeding after breast augmentation surgery. You can breastfeed your child comfortably, but it is useful to know that pregnancy and breastfeeding can cause shape changes in your breasts.
Although there is no risks of surgery and scar formation, these methods are not recommended due to some risks (gel dislocation, subcutaneous nodules, and rare infection of hyaluronic acid gel; cyst formation, infection, microcalcifications, and necrosis of fat cells). As suggested, silicone implants are not at risk for cancer and the risk of complications is lower.
Liposuction is not a method of weight loss, but a method that corrects the body contours and removes fat pockets. With this method you may drop 1-2 dress sizes. Liposuction can vary depending on the region, but up to 5000 millilitres of fat can be removed.
Liposuction should be carried out under general anaesthesia because it is a process that causes the fats under the skin to be destroyed by the movement of the cannula and then removes the destroyed fats from that area by vacuum and causes pain during this procedure.
Your cellulites will be lost after the operation, but in some cases of severe cellulitis, as the skin loses its elasticity, it may be necessary to remove any excess/loose skin to tighten it.
Although it varies according to the area of the fat and the condition of your skin, it can last for 3 to 6 months (for example, the outer part of the thigh can reach its beautiful appearance in 3 months, while the inner part can reach it in 6 months).
Your doctor will call you for a follow-up 1-2 days after the liposuction. A week later, he/she can call you for removing the stitches or recommend you to have your stitches removed at your destination.
Because you have general anaesthesia, you should wake up completely and your vital signs should be normal. You can usually go to your hotel after 1-3 hours. In addition, during this time, your doctor will tell you the instructions you need to follow regarding the healing process.
A seroma is a collection of serum which is lymph fluid within the body cavities and results from surgical trauma that injures or destroys the lymphatic vessels within fatty tissue. Liposuction may also cause such trauma to fatty tissue like other surgical procedures.
The use of microcannulae and open drainage will prevent such surgical traumas and excessive fluid accumulation. In addition, elastic compression may help prevent from seroma.
If the liposuction is done in less than 4 areas, you can usually return to the desk-type work after 1-3 days. However, if more than 4 applications are done, bed rest for 1 week may be required.
The bruises that occur after liposuction change depending on the patient’s condition and the number of sites, but the majority (90%) usually disappears after about 4-6 weeks. However, it may take 12-16 weeks to completely disappear.
Vaser liposuction is not a surgical procedure and is based on liquidization of the fat using ultrasound waves. It does not damage the veins and muscular tissues in the lipolysis area as in the classic liposuction method. Therefore, it does not cause seroma. After the vaser liposuction, the patient can go home right away. However, skin burns may occur rarely.
Considering that the density of human fat is 0.9196 g / ml (*), 1 litre of human fat is equivalent to a weight of approximately 0.9 kilograms (919,6 g) or 2 pounds (2.027 lb).
(*) Farvid MS, Ng TW, Chan DC, Barrett PH, Watts GF, Association of adiponectin and resistin with adipose tissue compartments, insulin resistance and dyslipidaemia. Diabetes Obes Metab. 2005 Jul7(4):406-13.