What is Sclerotherapy?
Varicose veins, which are blue in color, enlarged and twisted just under the skin, can be defined as an expansion of veins under the skin. During the period when yen is formed, it usually causes only aesthetic concerns. Over time, it can lead to pain and a negative impact on a person’s quality of life. Swelling as a result of dilation of the veins, vascular cracks and large vascular packages may be seen as a result of increased varicose veins.
There are 3 different types of varicose veins, capillary, medium-sized and large varicose veins, the incidence of which is higher in women than in men. Different methods can also be applied for the treatment of varicose veins, which differ depending on their size and formation.
Although there are some measures that can be taken to prevent the formation of varicose veins, there are many different factors that cause the formation of varicose veins, especially genetic predisposition. People who have varicose veins problems should definitely consult doctors who are specialists and experienced in their field.
After the examination, the cause of varsity, its degree and which treatment method will be applied are determined. Sclerotherapy, also known as needle therapy, is an extremely effective method that is often used to treat varicose veins. Treatment is carried out by injecting a special drug into a vein with a needle. The injected drug freezes the vessel and neutralizes it. On the other hand, sclerotherapy treatment cannot be applied to the main vessels, it can only be applied to superficial capillaries.
In foam treatment, it is provided to foam by contacting with air before injecting the drug. Foam therapy, in which much fewer drugs are used than needle therapy, is applied by injection into the vessel with insufficiency. It has the property of being an extremely fast-acting method in large veins.
How is Sclerotherapy Performed?
Today, varicose veins problems are seen extremely widely. In order to apply sclerotherapy, which is one of the methods often used in the treatment of varicose veins with a vein disease, it is necessary to diagnose a vessel with insufficiency first. In addition to a detailed physical examination, the structure of the varices, which veins or vessels are damaged, is determined by colored Doppler ultrasound Oct.
For varicose veins that are suitable for sclerotherapy treatment, it is decided whether to apply sclerotherapy with medication or foam sclerotherapy. Materials to be used in the patient and practice are prepared. Before starting the treatment, a cold compress or local anesthesia is applied to the application area. In this way, the feeling of pain or discomfort that may occur during treatment can be minimized.
Sclerosing solution injected into the vein with the help of an injector irritates the inner surface of the vein and allows it to adhere. During treatment, the patient may feel a slight burning sensation or needling. Sclerotherapy application takes from 15 to 45 minutes for each vein. Several sessions may be required to complete the treatment.
Sclerotherapy treatment does not cause side effects that will disturb the patient or negatively affect his daily life. The redness that occurs at the application site resolves on its own in a short time.
A fine-tipped needle is used during treatment, and bruises due to injection may occur. Bruises that pass within a few days do not cause swelling or severe pain. Pigmentation, that is, color changes that can be seen in some patients after sclerotherapy, usually disappear within 1 month.
What Does Sclerotherapy Do?
Varicose veins disease occurs in the vein valves in the leg area. It can progress if left untreated. Varicose veins can be treated by using the right methods.
With the formation of varicose veins, a great pressure occurs in the relevant region. In addition, the patient’s daily life may be negatively affected. From a visual point of view, a more curved and swollen appearance occurs. Varicose veins are also the most important cause of the waxy appearance in the leg area.
Sclerotherapy is a medical procedure used for the treatment of small superficial veins, especially known as varicose veins and spider veins. Although it is usually preferred for cosmetic reasons, in some cases it can provide health benefits. It is usually applied by injecting a special sclerosing substance into a vein in the form of liquid or foam to treat damaged vessels. This substance causes an irritation of the vascular walls and causes the vessel to collapse and close. The closed vessel is absorbed by the body over time and becomes invisible to the eye.
Sclerotherapy is an effective method for the treatment of large and prominent varicose veins. It helps to eliminate irregularities in blood circulation. Corrects the thin, red or blue appearance on the skin surface caused by very small veins.
Many patients notice a significant improvement after the procedure. Especially small spider veins usually disappear within a few weeks. It is a treatment applied without the need for surgery, it offers a rapid healing process. It greatly improves the appearance of the skin. In this way, it increases the patients’ confidence in themselves.
Sclerotherapy is a reliable and effective treatment method that provides many benefits both aesthetically and medically. If you suffer from problems such as varicose veins or spider veins, you can find out if this method is suitable for you by consulting a healthcare professional. Such treatments should be performed only by specialists and experienced doctors in their field, and the recommendations of the doctor should be strictly followed after treatment.
Which Doctor To Go To For Sclerotherapy?
Sclerotherapy is an effective method used in the treatment of varicose veins and spider veins. However, for the treatment to be successful, it is critical that it is applied by the right specialist.
For sclerotherapy treatment, it is necessary to go to doctors specializing in cardiovascular surgery. It is of great importance that the doctor who will perform the treatment has been trained in sclerotherapy and has experience in this field. Especially doctors specializing in vascular diseases should be preferred. It will be useful for the patient to see the doctor’s previous treatment results and get information about the procedure.
Today, as technology advances, more sophisticated methods are used in sclerotherapy. Foam sclerotherapy or ultrasound-accompanied procedures offer more sensitive applications. The fact that the doctor who will perform the treatment has mastered these techniques can increase the success of the procedure.
The clinic or hospital where the treatment will be performed is just as important as the specialist. Medical procedures, such as sclerotherapy, should be performed in a sterile environment and in reliable medical institutions. The patient should learn in advance where and under what conditions the procedure will be performed.
What Should Be Considered After Sclerotherapy?
As after every treatment, it is necessary to pay attention to some issues after sclerotherapy. There is no need for hospitalization after sclerotherapy. The patient can go home on the same day under normal conditions. The healing process is fast and following the doctor’s recommendations can support this process.
Varicose veins socks should be used for 48 hours after sclerotherapy treatment. On the following days, it is worn in the morning and continued to be used until the evening. Varicose veins sock, which is one of the supportive methods, accelerates the healing process and has a direct effect on the success rate of treatment.
After sclerotherapy, it is recommended to take regular walks at a light pace. In the early period, activities such as exercise and cycling should be avoided. Hot water is not recommended after varicose veins treatment. People should stay away from environments such as baths, spas and saunas.
After the treatment, pain or itching may be felt in the application area. Applying an ice compress to alleviate this condition may be beneficial. After sclerotherapy, hair removal or similar laser therapy applications should be Decoupled. Exposure to sunlight or high heat should be avoided for about 1 month.
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