How to Perform Hair Treatment with PRP?
To apply hair treatment with PRP, blood is first taken from the person. Red cells in the blood are separated by microfiltration and centrifugation processes. Tissue regeneration is achieved by applying plasma material rich in platelet and platelet cells to the hair follicles. The procedure, completed in approximately 30 minutes, does not cause pain or ache.
After PRP hair treatment, people can continue their daily lives where they left off. After PRP hair treatment, which does not cause any effects on the person, the hair can be washed as normal if there is no pain or irritation in the injection area. On the other hand, it is recommended not to dye the hair or perform perm-type procedures within 72 hours after the application. Harsh chemicals that risk irritating the injection site and causing complications should not be used.
Thinner and weakened hair can be repaired with PRP hair treatment. Thanks to this application, the thickened hair follicles take on a more voluminous appearance. With PRP hair treatment, hair loss can be protected, hair follicle vitality can be increased, and dormant hair follicles can be revitalized. By repairing the hair tissue, the hair growth process can be encouraged.
PRP hair treatment can be done to stop or at least slow down hair loss. Platelet-rich plasma is injected within the scope of PRP treatment, which has the ability to strengthen hair follicles. Thus, the hair follicles are nourished and the hair is strengthened. When the follicles are strengthened, the overall health of the hair can be improved and the hair loss process can be slowed down.
PRP hair treatment can stimulate hair regrowth and help new hair strands grow in areas of hair loss. However, it should not be forgotten that the effects of treatment may differ from person to person.
How Many Sessions of Hair PRP Application?
PRP, an abbreviation consisting of the initials of the word Platelet Rich Plasma, is called platelet-rich plasma treatment. Within the scope of PRP treatment, blood taken from the person is processed and then injected into body tissues. PRP treatment can be applied for aesthetic purposes such as skin rejuvenation and hair loss prevention. However, PRP treatment is not applied only for aesthetic purposes. PRP treatment can also be used to accelerate the healing process of injured ligaments, tendons, muscles and joints.
Hair PRP application is performed to make the hair of people who are dissatisfied with their sparse and weak hair stronger and healthier. Effective results can be obtained if PRP treatment is planned individually and applied with the right techniques. Therefore, PRP hair treatment is often applied to prevent hair loss.
Although PRP treatment is planned individually for the patient, it is generally applied within a certain period of time and in consecutive sessions. PRP hair treatment can initially be performed in 4 to 6 sessions at weekly or monthly intervals. Generally, the first 4 sessions can be applied weekly, and the subsequent sessions can be planned at intervals of 1 to 3 months.
After the first series is calculated, follow-up sessions can be applied depending on the condition of the hair, the necessity of treatment and its response to treatment. The effectiveness of the treatment and the frequency of sessions; It can be determined for each patient according to the degree of hair loss, the patient’s response to treatment, the current condition of the hair and the general health condition of the person.
Who Can Have Hair PRP Application?
Hair PRP treatment can be performed to prevent hair loss and stimulate hair growth. The decision on suitability for treatment is made by making detailed evaluations for each patient.
In people whose hair loss has just started or is in the early stages, it may be possible to stop or slow down hair loss by performing PRP hair treatment. Hair PRP treatment can be performed to prevent or reduce hair thinning and sparseness in people with genetically determined hair loss.
PRP treatment can be used to improve the quality of hair strands, nourish the scalp and improve the general health of the hair. In people who will receive PRP hair treatment, the hair follicles must be active and function at a certain level.
Can Hair PRP and Hair Mesotherapy be Combined?
In case of thinning and weakening in the physiological structure of the hair, the hair can be strengthened by injections into the hair roots. For this purpose, hair mesotherapy and PRP methods can be applied. Hair mesotherapy and PRP can be applied both individually and in combination.
What should be considered at this stage is that existing hair can be strengthened with hair mesotherapy and PRP treatments. If treatments are continued, the effects of supporting hair and slowing hair loss continue. If the treatment is stopped, hair loss may continue to occur over time in accordance with its natural course, especially in cases of male pattern hair loss.
With hair PRP and hair mesotherapy treatments, it is possible to reduce hair loss, stimulate hair growth, prevent hair breakage, accelerate the formation of new hair follicles, repair damaged tissues on the scalp, reduce dandruff and increase blood circulation in the scalp.
Both hair mesotherapy and PRP treatment are applied by using very thin needles under the scalp and injecting them at 1-2 cm intervals. Treatments against hair loss are planned specifically for the patient. Application sessions can be completed in 10 to 20 minutes, depending on the size of the area planned to be treated.
In order to support and nourish the cells on the scalp, an intensive treatment session may be applied every 2-3 weeks for the first 2-3 months. After three months, maintenance treatment can be started by extending the interval between sessions. While some patients begin to experience positive results in the first few weeks of treatment, when positive effects will be seen actually varies depending on the severity of the hair loss problem and how patients respond to the treatment applied. However, a period of approximately 6 months is needed to see the full effect of hair mesotherapy and hair PRP procedures.
What is the Difference Between Hair PRP and Hair Mesotherapy?
In PRP treatment applied to the hair, it is aimed to support the scalp tissue and the hair follicles within it by using materials from the patient’s own blood. Hair PRP, which can be easily applied and provides effective results in a short time, is considered one of the best medical treatment methods.
The purpose of PRP hair treatment; Thanks to the rich materials injected, the aim is to stop hair loss in the patient, accelerate the healthy hair cycle and strengthen the hair strands. Since a material obtained from the patient’s own blood is used in the PRP process, there is no risk of allergies or blood-borne diseases. The recovery time for the procedure is extremely short. Tissue development begins in the application area, damaged and weakened hair follicles are repaired, and new and strong hairs begin to be produced.
In PRP hair treatment, 8 to 10 ml of blood is taken from the person to be treated. This blood is passed through a special centrifuge process. By separating the red cells, a plasma material rich in cells called platelets or thrombocytes, which play an important role in the repair mechanisms of the organism, is obtained and injected into the balding area.
PRP hair treatment can provide satisfactory results for both men and women. Hair PRP method can also be applied to get maximum benefit from the grafts placed during the hair transplantation operation.
Hair mesotherapy is applied to activate hair follicles to produce healthier and longer-lived hair strands. Unlike other classical drug treatments, in hair mesotherapy, drugs are used locally in small doses. This method, which has no side effects, provides effective results.
Within the scope of hair mesotherapy, drug mixtures determined for the purpose are used. These mixtures are administered locally into the skin in small doses using special needles and a special technique. The medicine reaches the hair follicles in the middle layer of the skin and acts quickly. The injected mixture contains vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, special building block proteins and drugs that increase regional blood circulation, which nourish the hair follicles.
It is possible to apply hair mesotherapy for 4 to 10 sessions, depending on need. The number of sessions to be applied is determined depending on the level of damage to the scalp and hair strands and the rate of shedding. Session intervals are usually set at least 10 to 14 days. Positive effects begin to be seen after the 3rd or 4th session. In some patients, follow-up treatment can be applied every 1-3 months.
With the application of hair mesotherapy, blood circulation in the scalp is increased, cellular proliferation and growth rate in the hair follicles are stimulated, and the scalp reaches the moisture level it needs. Thanks to the nutritional support applied, the protective keratin sheath of the hair strands is improved.
Does PRP Grow Hair?
Hair strands come out of the follicles, and after they grow and fall out, new hair comes out from underneath. Even if the hair falls out, the follicles do not fall out and remain in place. In hair loss, the remaining follicles fail to function. As a result, the lost hair cannot be replaced by a new one. In this case, the follicles are generally considered dormant in the early period.
If the person does not have a disease called ringworm, if there is no burn on the scalp or tissue loss due to various reasons, it is not possible for the follicles to disappear. If it is not too long after hair loss, the follicles do not die. When a long time has passed, if there is a very wide opening on the scalp, if there is an empty space since childhood, it is possible that the follicle in those areas has died or never existed. In this case, PRP may not work.
PRP hair treatment is generally applied to revitalize weak and thin hair. People who suffer from genetic hair loss can also use PRP hair treatment to reduce their hair loss problem. Although there is PRP hair treatment, hair that does not grow can be repaired and become strong as before.
When Do Effects Begin to Be Observed?
The number of sessions of PRP hair treatment is determined individually for the patient. The number of sessions is determined after evaluating factors such as the degree of hair loss and the patient’s general health condition. More than one PRP session may be required to achieve targeted hair growth.
Generally, 3 sessions are applied at 5 to 6 week intervals. Within 2 weeks following the treatment, thickness and new hair growth can be noticed in the hair texture of the area. However, a period of 3 to 6 months may generally be required to obtain remarkable results.
In what cases is hair treatment with PRP applied?
The main purpose of hair treatment with the PRP method is to stop existing hair loss and strengthen the hair. If there is significant hair loss, the best approach is to combine PRP treatment with the hair transplantation procedure.
In case of hair transplantation using PRP hair treatment, problems related to hair loss can be significantly eliminated. PRP treatment strengthens hair follicles and makes them healthier and more vibrant. In this context, hair treatment with PRP can be applied to men and women whose hair is thinning or weakened.
What are the Prices of Hair PRP Application?
PRP hair treatment prices may vary depending on the size of the area to be treated, the number of sessions to be applied, the nature of the procedure, the expertise of the doctor and the price policy of the clinic.
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