Ear correction title image


Ear Correction Surgery, also known as otoplasty, is an aesthetic surgical procedure applied to correct external auricular deformities (bucket ear etc) related to the shape, position or proportion of the ear resulting from injuries or structural birth defects.

What is Ear Pinning Surgery Aesthetics

The protrusion of ears outward from the skull is referred to as prominent ears or bat ears, and it is the most common among ear shape abnormalities. It is crucial for the ears to appear harmonious with the other facial features for overall aesthetics. Ears extending more than 2 cm from the side of the head, known as prominent ears, may not cause any functional issues but can lead to aesthetic concerns.


The surgical procedure performed to change the shape, position, and size of the ears is called otoplasty or ear pinning aesthetics. Prominent ears can be a concern in either one or both ears. In such cases, the ears may have an open appearance to the side or front, and the ear folds are generally not well-defined. Ear pinning surgery can typically resolve the issue of prominent ears, often attributed to genetic factors, and restore a normal appearance to the ears.


Prominent ear anomaly is diagnosed in babies before the age of 3 months, and if ear molding or taping is correctly and adequately applied, the issue can be resolved without surgery. For individuals beyond 3 months of age, including older babies, ear pinning surgery aesthetics offer a functional solution outside this scope.

Why is Ear Pinning Surgery Aesthetics Performed?

Ear pinning surgery can be applied to individuals who are bothered by the appearance of prominent ears, where one or both ears exhibit a shape deformity due to a congenital defect or a later-developed injury.


While prominent ear deformity does not negatively impact hearing ability, it can be an aesthetic concern affecting self-confidence and self-esteem. Additionally, it may reduce the quality of life, especially in children experiencing prominent ear issues at a young age, as they may face peer bullying. This, in turn, can lead to social withdrawal and a decline in school performance.

Who is Suitable for Ear Pinning Surgery Aesthetics?

Ear pinning aesthetics are suitable for individuals who:


– Have ears that are congenitally too large or too small.
– Have ears that are poorly and disproportionately positioned on the head.
– Have ears that protrude outward in a prominent ear appearance.
– Have experienced a shape deformity in the ears due to any injury.
– Are dissatisfied with the appearance of their ears, leading to social isolation.

However, ear pinning aesthetics can be performed on individuals over the age of 5, where the cartilage of the ear has completed the hardening process. Additionally, there should be no health issues preventing surgery, and there should be no infection in the ears. In some cases, early ear pinning surgery may be necessary, even as early as 3 years old, when the prominent ear issue is congenital. In cases of congenital issues, splinting can begin shortly after birth to resolve the problem.

How is Ear Pinning Surgery Aesthetics Performed?

Ear pinning aesthetics is a straightforward surgical procedure. Depending on the patient’s decision, it can be performed under local anesthesia or general anesthesia. In the context of ear pinning surgery aesthetics, a skin piece is removed from behind the ear in the shape of a needle. The points where stitches will be placed to create a fold are marked. The cartilage is shaped by smoothing it from suitable areas to create a fold.


Stitches between the ear base and the periosteum of the skull help narrow the angle between the ear and the skull, aiding in reshaping. Shaping is done over the marked areas. In some ear structures, after giving the fold, the earlobe may turn backward with the pull of the ear, or even noticeably turn forward. In such cases, the solution is to extract tissue from behind the earlobe using a special technique, ensuring the earlobe bends backward. After repairing the skin behind the ear with aesthetic stitches, the ear pinning aesthetic surgery is completed.

What to Consider During the Recovery Process?

After ear pinning surgery, a rapid recovery process is generally experienced. Although the recovery process may vary for each patient, the results of the operation become visible within a short period. Small changes in the ears may be observed for up to twelve months. The results obtained from the surgery are permanent, and there is no change unless there is trauma or an accident affecting the shape or proportion of the ears.


After ear pinning surgery, the ears are covered with a bandage for protection and support. Therefore, some discomfort and itching may be felt. Additionally, localized pain and swelling around the ears may be observed on the first day after the surgery. It is important to follow the recommendation to rest during the first week after the operation. However, it is essential to avoid complete immobility to maintain blood flow. Sleeping with the head elevated is recommended, and avoiding pressure on the ears and side sleeping is advised. Loose or front-buttoned upper garments that are easy to put on and take off should be preferred.


A few days after ear pinning surgery, when the bandages are removed, the ears may appear swollen and red. Preventing the forward bending of the ears while turning in bed is possible by placing a soft headband covering the ears for 2 to 6 weeks. If self-dissolving stitches are used, there is no need to remove the stitches.

What are the Risks of Ear Aesthetics?

Like all surgical procedures, ear pinning aesthetics also carry some risks. Asymmetry may develop in the ears depending on the recovery process, and pre-existing asymmetry issues may not be successfully corrected. The sensation in the skin may be temporarily and rarely permanently affected due to the repositioning of the ears. Stitches used to stabilize the new shape of the ears may rarely progress to the skin surface, leading to infection.


If prominent ears are overly corrected, the ears may appear unnaturally fixed backward, resulting in an unnatural look. Other risks may include bleeding, adverse reactions to anesthesia, or allergic reactions to materials used during or after the procedure.

Ear Pinning Surgery Prices

The prices of ear pinning surgery depend on factors such as the technique used, whether the procedure is performed on one or both ears, the extent of deformity in the patient’s ear structure, the type of anesthesia, and various other individual factors.

Are There Scars After Ear Pinning Surgery?

Ear pinning aesthetics involve reshaping the ear cartilage and bringing excess cartilage closer to the skull. The incision is hidden in the crease where the scalp meets the back of the ear, making the incision scar hardly visible.

Types of Ear Pinning Surgery

Two different methods can be used to correct prominent ears. In traditional ear pinning surgery, a small incision is made behind the ear to expose the cartilage. Excess skin and cartilage are removed, and the ear is attached to the head using dissolvable sutures. A bandage is wrapped around the head to protect and keep the ears in place, typically for 10 days.


In non-surgical ear pinning aesthetics, no incisions are made. Strategic stitches are used to achieve a symmetric and aesthetic appearance. After a short recovery period, the stitches made with special threads become imperceptible and invisible.

Ear Improvement Treatment & Recovery Process

  • 1-2 hours
  • 1 day (Before the operation)
  • 2 days (After the operation)
  • 6-12 months

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