Genetic check-up, which is performed to test for genetic disorders and diagnose the disease if any, using advanced technology and experience, can be defined as a comprehensive genetic test specific to the person, which includes direct examination of the DNA molecule itself.
What is a Genetic Check-Up?
A genetic check-up, which is a health examination performed to determine the genetic profile of an individual, is performed to understand the genetic structure of the person and to determine potential genetic risks. In this context, genetic information is analyzed and interpreted.
The main purpose of a genetic check-up can be expressed as determining the individual’s genetic predispositions, susceptibility to genetic diseases and risks. The results obtained provide the opportunity to obtain more information about the person’s health status. Genetic check-up is important and necessary, especially in terms of early diagnosis of genetic-based diseases and their prevention.
Special laboratory tests that analyze the individual’s genetic material are applied within the scope of genetic check-up conducted by genetic counseling specialists. The results obtained from the tests can be used to evaluate the person’s genetic polymorphisms, genetic risk factors and gene mutations.
How is a Genetic Check-Up Performed?
A genetic check-up is a process carried out through genetic tests. The first step for this is genetic counseling. Genetic counselors obtain information about the person’s medical history, general health status and family history. The counseling process also helps the person understand the reasons for genetic testing and its potential consequences.
Saliva, blood or tissue samples are used to perform genetic tests. In this context, a saliva sample or blood sample can be taken in a tube. Sample collection is carried out by health professionals. After the sample is sent to special genetic laboratories, certain regions of the DNA are analyzed in the laboratory and various genetic information is obtained.
After the results obtained from the laboratory are interpreted by genetic counselors, the person is provided with detailed information about current genetic risk factors, genetic predispositions and possible health problems.
Who Can Personal Genetic Check-Up Be Applied To?
A personal genetic check-up can be performed on women and men of all ages who want to detect a genetic disease that causes death at a young age in their family history, stay young and healthy throughout their lives and protect future generations from diseases.
Couples who are planning a pregnancy in particular can evaluate genetic risks and detect potential genetic problems in advance with the help of genetic tests. In addition, it is possible for some individuals to want to learn about their genetic structures. A personal genetic check-up can be performed in such cases.
It is possible that certain genetic diseases are more common in some ethnic groups. Individuals in this population often prefer to have a personal genetic check-up. The price of a genetic check-up may vary depending on certain factors, specific to health institutions.
What are the Benefits of a Genetic Check-up?
Some health problems may be caused by genetic structure and family members may develop this disease over time. In this case, the use of a genetic check-up method is of great importance. Thanks to genetic analysis, a person’s genetic profile and predispositions can be determined. Thus, the progression of diseases can be prevented with early diagnosis and preventive measures.
A genetic check-up provides comprehensive information about the health status of individuals. The benefits obtained through this method can be listed as follows:
The protection or improvement of general health and fitness is encouraged.
It is possible to obtain information about chronic disease risks (diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, complex inherited diseases such as familial hypercholesterolemia that can cause heart, kidney, peripheral nervous system, eye involvement, etc.).
Neurological and psychiatric disease risks are determined.
The risk of hereditary cancer cases can be determined.
Genetic causes underlying developmental, neurological and reproductive problems can be elucidated.
Information can be provided on disease risks associated with ethnicity.
Personalized nutrition and exercise programs can be created to help solve weight problems that cannot be controlled with diet and exercise.
An exercise plan appropriate to the person’s muscle structure can be determined.
What are the Types of Genetic Check-Ups?
Genetic check-up types include various genetic tests performed to evaluate certain genetic characteristics or disease risks. Genetic check-up types are listed below.
Athlete genetic testing is applied to individuals who will start sports and athlete candidates. By studying sports genetic tests, it is possible to determine what kind of exercises are suitable for the individual. In this way, precautions can be taken against unnecessary straining of the body. Athlete genetic tests can provide the necessary information to physicians and athletes on many different issues, from injuries to sudden athlete deaths.
There is an important relationship between breast cancer and genetics. The development of breast or ovarian cancer is extremely high in women carrying pathogenic mutations in the BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene, and breast cancer in men. In the event of a known mutation in the family, other family members should be examined for the relevant gene mutation.
In the event of a pathogenic mutation in the BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene, it is important to inform patients about various options through genetic counseling in order to manage the cancer risk.
Cardio genetic testing; It helps determine health risks related to heart attack, heart rhythm disorders and bleeding clotting disorders, as well as providing information about potential responses to commonly prescribed medications. In this way, it may be possible for the doctor to plan a treatment specific to the patient.
Cancer genetics, namely genetic tests applied to cancer patients, can provide a definitive diagnosis in the presence of unclear clinical findings. Early-stage cancers can be detected by analyzing tumor DNA circulating freely in the blood with liquid biopsy studies. In addition, routine cancer screening tests are recommended for individuals at risk of developing cancer. In this way, early detection and appropriate treatment can be provided.
DNA-Balanced diet test; It is a genetic test that analyzes relevant parts of the DNA in order to discover food reactions, nutritional needs and the best diet type for the person. It is also possible to learn gluten sensitivity with this test.
Beauty DNA test; It provides proactive control of skin health through personalized skin genetic profile, improved nutrition, healthy living and care. Information can be obtained about skin nutrients and topicals that will benefit the skin.
Performing exome sequencing test; It can be preferred for the diagnosis of complex genetic diseases, obtaining the information needed for diagnosis-specific treatment, identifying genetic disease carrier rates and individuals at risk in the society, providing diagnosis opportunities in cases of unknown pregnancy loss and infertility, and supporting prenatal diagnosis studies.
What are Genetic Check-Up Procedures?
Before genetic tests, the person’s health history, familial disease history and expectations from genetic tests are evaluated. The genetic counselor determines which tests are appropriate for the person. Genetic tests are usually performed with blood, saliva or tissue samples. Although the most common method is a saliva sample, a blood sample may be required in some cases.
DNA analyses are performed in a laboratory environment. The sequence of genes is examined and genetic mutations or variations that may affect health status are investigated. The genetic analysis results are compiled into a report and interpreted by a specialist genetic counselor or physician. The report includes whether the person is prone to certain diseases and lifestyle recommendations according to their genetic characteristics. Personalized treatment and preventive health recommendations are offered. These recommendations are given to protect against diseases or to take precautions against possible health problems according to the person’s genetic structure.
Working Hours
- Monday: 09:00 – 18:00
- Tuesday: 09:00 – 18:00
- Wednesday: 09:00 – 18:00
- Thursday: 09:00 – 18:00
- Friday: 09:00 – 18:00
- Saturday: 09:00 – 18:00
- Sunday: Closed