Your fertile period is the time during which having sex could lead to a pregnancy. This is the 4-6 days prior to ovulation (release of a mature egg from the ovary). Women normally ovulate 14 days prior to the date of the next menstrual period.
A variety of procedures can be used to diagnose the cause of infertility in a couple; these range from simple blood tests to more complicated analytical methods. In any case, diagnosis is a crucial first step to determine the appropriate therapeutic path that should be followed. In addition to the cause itself, other factors, such as the age of the woman, or problems shared by both partners, might also influence the choice of treatment.
No. The incidence of infertility in men and women is almost identical. Infertility is exclusively a female problem in 30-40% of the cases and exclusively a male problem in 10-30% of the cases. Problems common to both partners are diagnosed in 15-30% of infertile couples. After thorough medical investigations, the causes of the fertility problem remain unexplained in only a minority of infertile couples (5-10%).
The first consultation involves the overall assessment of cause of infertility and next is to get the present fertility status of the couple. A transvaginal sonography scan gives a great information regarding follicles, lining of uterus, presence of any fibroids, etc. Detailed semen analysis is done and at the same time it is stored. Hysteroscopy is needed where there is any abnormal finding in sonography.
IVF fails mainly because of two reasons: One is due to quality of eggs and second is failure of implantation. These things may happen in natural pregnancies also, but as there is cost involvement in IVF, so it pinches. Quality of stimulation and quality of embryology matters a lot, but these can be corrected by taking stringent measures but quality of eggs and implantation is still beyond anybody’s approach.
A woman’s age can be a major issue for reproduction because women never generate new eggs after they are born. All the eggs that a woman will possess for life are already present in her ovaries at birth. Due to the normal aging process, potentially unfavourable cellular and chromosomal changes occur within the eggs, resulting in Down Syndrome, miscarriages and overall lower pregnancy rates. We offer special fertility treatment strategies which may improve the outcome in certain cases.
Examination and treatment should be started at 37 years of age and after 1 year regular co-operation. If there is a problem that may affect pregnancy formation in the past, they should be started after 6 months. They may also be started if women’s age is below 37, if there is no problem that may affect pregnancy formation in the past.
The tube baby can be applied until the age of 44 years. However, after 42 years of age, it should be known that there is little chance.
Microinjection is an in vitro fertilization method in which a single sperm is injected into the egg to fertilize it.
The miscarriage risk is not higher.
Microinjection can be used in male infertility and in vitro fertilization in female infertility.
These methods are applied in cases where conventional methods are ineffective and are not pregnant.
After three attempts, your chances of getting pregnant drop. In later trials pregnancy can be achieved but the chance is less.
It takes about 30 days from the beginning of the treatment until the day of pregnancy test.
The loss of other infants is 5%. The number of twin babies is higher than that of normal twins in terms of preterm delivery and low birth weight.
There is no need for hospitalization at any stage of the procedure.
The baby’s gender can be determined, but this is not possible because of ethical and legal reasons, in many countries, including Turkey.
In addition to monitoring your progress with the treatment and if there is no extra case, you will be informed before your progress according to your report and treatment method.
With our successes in IVF treatments, we are proud to be the 7th place in the world. In this regard, we will be with you to make your dreams come true with our experienced and experienced Turkish doctors.