Microinjection is an option of embryo transfer technique applied for patients who are suitable for in vitro fertilization (IVF) due to insufficient count of motile sperm, which cannot penetrate the egg and causes repeated failure of fertilization. With this procedure, the sperm is injected into an egg to facilitate the fertilization.
Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) is a microinjection method characterized by the microinjection of a single sperm into the egg.
Intracytoplasmic morphologically selected sperm injection (IMSI) is another microinjection method characterized by the microinjection of the sperm selected under a high-magnification digital imaging microscope, into the egg. This method is better than ICSI procedure due to improved embryo development in the treatment of infertility, especially resulting from male factors
What is Microinjection?
Microinjection, in other words ICSI, is one of the most commonly applied assisted reproductive techniques. Within the scope of in vitro fertilization treatment, two different fertilization procedures can be applied as IVF and microinjection, also known as the classical method.
The classical method, IVF, is applied in a laboratory environment. A large number of sperm are placed around the egg and the egg cell is expected to be fertilized by one of the sperm. In the ICSI, or microinjection method, the sperm is placed directly into the egg. Microinjection treatment is generally preferred in cases of male-related infertility where embryo formation does not occur if no additional intervention is made to the sperm and egg.
Microinjection is an assisted reproductive method applied to achieve pregnancy by injecting the sperm cell into the egg cell. Microinjection, which has a high success rate, is performed by checking and monitoring the couples in detail. Within the scope of in vitro fertilization treatment, matured egg cells are collected from the eggs of the mother candidate and the sperm cells are injected into the egg cells and the microinjection method is performed.
The microinjection method, which helps increase the success rate in cases such as azoospermia, can be a functional solution for many problems related to both female and male infertility. As a method with a high success rate, it can allow many couples to have children.
How is Microinjection Performed?
Before microinjection treatment, some important points should be taken into consideration during the follow-up of couples and before the injection. During the follow-up of prospective mothers and fathers for infertility treatment, attention should be paid to the ideal health of not only the urogenital systems but also the entire body. The prospective mother and father should be at an ideal weight. Because having an ideal fat rate reduces inflammation and increases egg and sperm quality.
It is recommended to quit harmful lifestyle habits such as alcohol and smoking for a certain period of time, thus cleansing the body from toxins. Thus, as in all assisted reproductive treatments, it is possible to increase the success of the microinjection method.
It is important not to use aspirin and similar blood thinners on the day and before the microinjection method is applied, and to inform the physician if they have been used. Because these drugs have the ability to reduce blood clotting, there may be a risk of bleeding during the procedure. If the microinjection method is to be performed under anesthesia, it is necessary not to eat or drink anything after 12 o’clock the night before the procedure.
In order to apply the microinjection method, which is one of the most successful fertilization methods used in in vitro fertilization treatment, it is necessary to follow certain steps. First of all, the mother-to-be is given the necessary supplements and medications. In this way, it is aimed to ensure that the egg cells grow and develop. The next step is to determine the egg collection day. On the egg collection day, a special procedure is applied and cells of sufficient size and maturity are collected.
After the sperm cells are taken from the man and transferred to a device called a micromanipulator, each sperm is placed into an egg with the help of the micromanipulator. The egg cells are transferred to devices called incubators, provided that they are in special protective solutions.
The fertilization status of the eggs should be evaluated approximately 16 to 18 hours after the microinjection procedure. Afterwards, the necessary drug treatments are applied and processes such as the embryo’s attachment to the uterus and the formation of the sac are closely monitored. The process is supported by drug therapy until the formation of the sac.
The microinjection method does not cause any negative effects on the person’s health. However, the person may feel tired and weak. In this context, the patient should not drive a vehicle on the first day after the microinjection method is applied. Similarly, it is necessary to refrain from working and resting for at least 1 day. Showering and bathing should be avoided for 24 hours.
It is recommended not to have sexual intercourse, not to exercise and especially to avoid heavy exercises for a few days following the microinjection application. If the doctor deems it appropriate, light dose painkillers may be used. After the microinjection method, medications and supplements are adjusted by the doctor specifically for the patient to support fertilization and the attachment of the embryo to the uterus.
Although no complications usually occur in patients after the microinjection application, complications may rarely develop. If the following conditions are observed after the application, it is necessary to consult a doctor:
- Fever higher than 38 degrees,
- Excessive vaginal bleeding,
- Very severe and persistent pain,
Weight gain of more than one kilo in 2 consecutive days, - Difficulty and shortness of breath during routine movements,
- Urine volume
Who is Microinjection Applied to?
There are couples who prefer to use the microinjection method. This method is usually used in couples who cannot have children due to sperm count and movement. This condition, called male infertility, can have many different causes.
The most common reason for applying the microinjection method is low sperm motility. When the examination and measurements show that the sperm count is low, the microinjection method may also be on the agenda. In addition, the microinjection method can be used for sperm that cannot fertilize the egg cell due to deformity.
Although microinjection is an assisted reproductive method preferred due to male infertility, it is also possible to prefer it for female infertility. In cases where the number of eggs in women is very low, the microinjection method can also be used for the fertilization of frozen eggs. The microinjection method can also offer the opportunity to become a mother for women with five or fewer egg cells.
In addition to all these, the microinjection method can be preferred for patients who have previously tried in vitro fertilization treatment and failed, for whom the cause of infertility has not been clearly determined, or for whom the preimplantation genetic diagnosis method will be applied.
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- Monday: 09:00 – 18:00
- Tuesday: 09:00 – 18:00
- Wednesday: 09:00 – 18:00
- Thursday: 09:00 – 18:00
- Friday: 09:00 – 18:00
- Saturday: 09:00 – 18:00
- Sunday: Closed