Cataracts Meditravelist

Cataract is a degenerative eye disease where the lens becomes gradually cloudy and causes a blurred vision.

The natural crystalline lens helps us focus on objects at varying distances. As people grow older, by age 65, the lens often stiffens and hardens, and it gradually loses its flexibility and ability of focusing, creating vision problems. This is a natural consequence of aging and it is called presbyopia. Aging is the main cause of cataract. Heredity, birth defects, diabetes mellitus, excessive use of steroid medications and certain eye injuries can cause cataract.

The symptoms of cataract may be subtle and patients are usually not aware of them. Certain diagnostic symptoms are as follows:

  • Vision problems such as blurred or cloudy vision, poor night vision, alterations in color vision, and double vision in a single eye.
  • People become more sensitive to glare and light.
  • The prescription alterations for glasses or contact lenses are seen frequently.

In early stages of the disease, vision can be slightly improved via vision corrections. However, cataract surgery may be required in later stages. Physicians replace the degenerated lens with an intraocular lens (IOLs). This method used here is named as Clear Lens Extraction/Exchange (CLE). There are several types of IOLs such as standard monofocal intraocular lens (IOL), toric IOL, multifocal (IOL) or accommodating lens.

What is Cataract?

Cataract is an eye disease that is frequently seen especially in older ages. It has the risk of negatively affecting both eye health and the individual’s quality of life. Cataract, which is characterized by symptoms such as impaired night vision, double vision and blurred vision, may reduce the ability to see in the eye. Cataract must be treated due to the risk of negatively affecting living standards. On the other hand, cataract cannot be treated with medication and a surgical procedure must be resorted to.

A healthy eye lens has a transparent structure. After cataract formation, the eye lens loses its transparency over time. As a result, a gradually increasing loss of vision may occur. This condition can be permanently treated with cataract surgery.

Cataract can occur due to many different genetic and environmental reasons. It can also develop due to aging. It is one of the most commonly performed surgeries, especially in people over the age of 40.

Diabetes, radiation, trauma, smoking, use of various drugs such as cortisone, and exposure to ultraviolet light can be listed among the factors that cause or accelerate the development of cataracts.

Today, highly advanced technologies are used during the application of cataract surgery. In order for cataract surgery to provide successful results, it must be performed by expert and experienced ophthalmologists. In addition, it is very important to ensure high standards in the sterilization of the environment where the surgery is performed.

What Causes Cataracts?

Cataracts are an eye disease characterized by the natural eye lens becoming dull and losing its transparency due to various stains on its surface. The lens inside the eye undertakes the task of transmitting light coming from outside to the retina. As the lens loses its transparency and becomes dull, that is, as the disease progresses, the sense of vision begins to decrease.

Although cataracts can be caused by many different reasons, the most common reason is the change in the structure of the intraocular lens due to aging. Cataracts can be seen due to different reasons, especially in people under the age of 50. These reasons can be listed as follows:

  • Metabolism disorders such as diabetes,
  • Eye traumas due to blows to the eye,
  • Various complications due to previous eye surgeries,
  • Exposing the eye to harmful sunlight for long periods without any protection,
  • Exposing to radiation for long periods,
  • Using cortisone medications for long periods.

What are the Symptoms of Cataracts?

When cataracts are in their early stages; mild vision impairment, scattering of light especially at night and fading of perceived colors may occur. In addition to these, we can list the most common symptoms of cataracts as follows:

  • Difficulty in reading,
  • Gradually decreasing sense of vision,
  • Double vision,
  • Difficulty in seeing details,
  • Increased sensitivity to light,
  • Frequent changes in eyeglass numbers,
  • Difficulty in driving,
  • Yellowing and fading of colors,
  • Impairment in night vision.

How is Cataract Diagnosed?

Cataract, an eye disease, can be diagnosed through an eye examination. Different methods such as visual acuity test, biomicroscopic examination, tonometry and retinal examination can be used during the diagnosis phase.

How is Cataract Diagnosed?

Cataract, an eye disease, can be diagnosed with an eye examination. Different methods such as visual acuity test, biomicroscopic examination, tonometry and retinal examination can be used during the diagnosis phase.

How is Cataract Surgery Performed?

Cataract surgery is a procedure performed by surgically removing the natural intraocular lens that has lost its transparency and replacing it with an artificial and transparent intraocular lens. It is applied to eliminate vision loss due to cataracts.

Cataract surgery is a microsurgical procedure that can be performed with different techniques. Cataract surgery is performed under a microscope using very small instruments. The duration of the surgery is approximately 10 to 15 minutes, depending on the degree of hardness of the cataract in the intraocular lens.

In the first step of cataract surgery, drops are dropped into the eye. In this way, the pupil is dilated. If deemed necessary, the patient may be given a sedative at this stage. The patient is taken to the operating room and the patient’s body and surroundings are covered with a sterile cover. After the anesthetic drops are dropped into the eye, the patient is asked to constantly look at a fixed light on the eye. Small incisions are made outside the eye and the cataractous natural eye lens is removed from the eye. After the artificial and transparent intraocular lens determined by the doctor’s recommendation and the patient’s preference is placed, the eye is closed with a protective tape. In some cataract surgeries, stitching may be necessary.

The procedure performed within the scope of cataract surgery is basically cleaning the cataractous natural intraocular lens and replacing it with an artificial intraocular lens. Depending on which type of artificial intraocular lens is placed in the eye, patients can continue their lives with or without glasses. Thanks to the advances in technology, different techniques can be applied in cataract surgery. In this context, there are 3 different types of cataract surgery: extra capsule cataract surgery, phacoemulsification cataract surgery and laser cataract surgery.

In addition, three different types of intraocular lenses can be used during cataract surgery: monofocal lens, bifocal lens and trifocal lens. In addition to these lenses that can be applied to cataract patients, toric lens and Add-on (complementary lens) intraocular lens applications can also be applied to patients with different treatment needs. Add-on lens is a type of lens that helps patients who have previously had cataract surgery and had a single-focus lens placed, to see all three foci clearly by placing a second lens inside the eye.

Although cataract surgery may vary depending on various factors such as the density and type of cataract, it can be completed in an average of 15 to 30 minutes. There is no need to wait for the cataract to mature before the surgery. If the cataract has reached a certain stage and seriously affects the patient’s vision, cataract surgery should be performed. If the patient has a health problem that requires clear monitoring of the fundus of the eye, such as diabetes, or if cataracts are accompanied by eye pressure, the decision for cataract surgery can be made in the earlier stages of the disease.

Hospitalization is not required after cataract surgery. After the surgery, the patient is kept under observation for a certain period of time and discharged within a few hours if everything is normal. Patients may see lights brighter and colors sharper for a few days following the surgery. It is normal to experience blurred vision in the first week. Although many patients start to see better after the surgery, the best level of vision quality usually occurs 2 months after the surgery.

After cataract surgery, watering, itching and redness may occur in the eyes. If this condition reaches a disturbing level together with pain, an ophthalmologist should be consulted without delay. Patients should not drive until their vision has completely improved after the surgery. During this period, the eye drops prescribed by the doctor should be used regularly and routine doctor check-ups should not be neglected. By paying attention to these points, it is possible to have a fast and healthy recovery process and to reduce the risk of eye infection.

Do not take a shower for a few days following cataract surgery. Do not let water touch the eyes for 1 month after surgery. During this period, you should not be in environments such as pools and saunas to eliminate the risk of a possible infection. In addition, you should not rub your eyes and avoid hitting them.

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Customer Reviews

Nasrena Nurul
Nasrena Nurul
A Heartfelt Gratitude to Meditravelist: Seamless Excellence in Every Step Hello, I’m from the UK, London specifically. I am compelled to express my deepest appreciation for the exceptional support and unparalleled service provided by Meditravelist Medical/Health Assistance Company throughout my surgical journey. From the moment I contemplated the surgery to my safe return to the UK, their commitment to my well-being was unwavering. Yasmina, with her expertise, guided me with a thorough and specialized answer during the online consultation, making my decision-making process incredibly informed. Emrah, the main coordinator, orchestrated every detail seamlessly—from accommodation arrangements to hospital visits. His genuine care extended beyond professional duties, ensuring my comfort and well-being at every turn. During my stay, Emrah went above and beyond by personally checking in on me daily, assisting me with post-surgery walks, and providing essential items without expecting anything in return. His dedication reflects the true essence of Meditravelist’s commitment to patient care. A special mention goes to Ilhan, an incredibly smart dentist, whose assistance in transportation to and from the hospital, as well as post-op check-ups, added an extra layer of reassurance. Meditravelist is not just a medical assistance company; it’s a beacon of excellence in patient care. My gratitude knows no bounds, and I wholeheartedly recommend their services to anyone seeking a seamless, supportive, and expertly curated medical experience. Thank you, Meditravelist, for turning a significant chapter in my life into a journey marked by professionalism, compassion, and genuine care.
DansstudioWB Lelystad
DansstudioWB Lelystad
Hele goede begeleiding !! Op naar mn 2de operatie eind november
reenie xoxo
reenie xoxo
Taken care of very well throughout, from airport to being greeted and helped by wonderful team throughout,any concerns wer answered at anytime, Very happy with procedure results,strongly recommend
santos vega
santos vega
Im soo glad i came to see Dr.Eren Pera!! Im glad with his work an Im looking forward for my 2 appointment! I would definitely recommend him to anyone who is looking to get work done !!
Talimano T
Talimano T
Saya membawa saudaraku untuk operasi sedok lemak dan tanam rambut di clinic ini. Sangat puas dengan pelayanannya. Komunikasi sangat baik, mereka sangat lancar bahasa inggris, sangat membantu dan fast respon juga. Dengan offer yg di bawah rata-rata pasar Turkey, tetapi kualitas dokter bintang lima.
Yassmina Kamr ezzaman
Yassmina Kamr ezzaman
un service si charmant, des gens accueillants, une bonne ambiance et des médecins expérimentés Tu dis confiance, je dis meditravelist✋
Kayla Warner
Kayla Warner
This was the best medical experience I have had in a very long time. Yasemin was my hands-on coordinator that guided me through my entire experience and ongoing communication with meditravelist. She was also available for any questions or concerns I had before I traveled to Turkey. She even greeted me once I arrived (11/25/22) to my own nice apartment (which they provided for me) and continued to guide me through the rest of the time I was there. She sent me my personalized handbook of who my doctor was and my doctor’s detailed medical background and experience in the field of cosmetic surgery which was extensive. I received a rhinoplasty and 360 liposuction done by Op. Dr. Feryal Yildiz Deger. I am completely happy about my surgery results. She gave me the surgery results that are exactly what I asked of and expected. The liposuction led to me having more of an hourglass figure. The entire hospital staff were kind, professional and very patient. I traveled to Turkey alone from the U.S so I was very grateful for this. I was also grateful that the hospital itself was very clean and modern. I received medical attention that most ppl in the U.S would think pertained to millionaire affordability. The hospital staff catered to my every need and came to me promptly after pressing my hospital room call button. I would definitely recommend meditravelist to those who are looking into getting cosmetic surgery.
Aslan Svärd
Aslan Svärd
Sincerely thanks for a great service, friendly and professional support through all phases during our time in Istanbul. Yasemin, you are the best. I will add later with more info and pictures. As promised. More pictures from our amazing adventure with Yasemin and her team. Here you se my wife the day of surgery, 5 days later and 8 days later at her last check up at the surgeon Dr. Mehmet. Then it was my turn. Extensive dental treatment. Good to mention is that I suffer from extreme dental fear. But Best dental İstanbul took it out of me. 2,5 hours later in a very fancy environment I woke up with 9 new implants. Well done.